Real Design.
Real Story.
Real Fast.

About Red Yeti Creative

Much like the fabled Red Yeti, quality design can be hard to find. Equally challenging is getting your business to stand out in a globalized, social-media-driven market.

How can Red Yeti help?

Visual Storytellers

Stories capture our attention and spark our imagination. Stories compel us to action and connect us to one another.

Good design doesn’t just look good, it tells a story. Your story.

Red Yeti combines eye-catching design with compelling narrative because we understand that what draws people in and keeps them coming back is not just a good product, but a connection to the story and the people behind the product.


Collaborative Community

In a society that relies so heavily on technology, human connection is vital. Creativity is contagious. That’s why Red Yeti relies on collaboration among a collective of artists and digital experts to meet your diverse design and marketing needs.

But the collaboration is not confined within our team.

We want to include you too.

We work with you to pinpoint what makes your business unique, and we create designs that highlight those qualities.

Our art tells your story the way you want it to be told.

Red Yeti specializes in:

  • [Event Branding
  • [Business Branding
  • [Logo Creation
  • [Graphic Design and Motion Design
  • [Animation
  • [Web Design
  • [Social Media Marketing
  • [T-shirt Design
  • [InfoGraphic Creation
  • [Custom Illustration
  • [Commissions for Business and Personal Projects
  • [Creative Copy

Daniel Dye

The Red Yeti

It all began with his dad’s work computer and a cheap photoshop knockoff computer program. Now with 20 years of experience in digital illustration, branding, and animation, Daniel Dye has turned his childhood passion into a career. He has worked independently and with marketing agencies across the Southwest, producing content in America and abroad.

Currently based in Fort Worth, Texas, Daniel spends his days drinking copious amounts of coffee and creating excellent digital content for his clients in the DFW area and beyond. When he’s not hunched over a graphics tablet or his sketchpad, he’s spending time with his wife and their two little yetis.

Hannah Smith

Market Research • Storybook Consultant

Hannah joined Red Yeti in 2023. She was instilled with a deep passion for books at an early age, as her family ran a small publishing company when she was young. Inspired by her love of reading and learning, Hannah earned degrees in both education and counseling. Today, she combines her hobbies, educational background, and an avid interest in travel and other cultures by collaborating with Red Yeti to develop exciting and educational children’s books for kids around the world.